
The alfapump® system is currently not approved in Canada for commercial use. DSR® therapy is still in development and is currently not approved in the United States or Canada. Any statements regarding safety and efficacy arise from ongoing pre-clinical and clinical investigations which have yet to be completed. Sequana Medical makes no claims of safety or effectiveness of the DSR® therapy in the U.S. or Canada. There is no link between the DSR® therapy and ongoing investigations with the alfapump® system in Europe, the United States or Canada.


Januari 29, 2019
Administratief proces voor de overdracht van haar activiteiten van Zwitserland naar België voltooid Gent, BELGIË – 29 januari 2019 – Sequana Medical NV (“Sequana Medical”, de “Vennootschap”), een onderneming in medische toestellen die zich in de commerciële fase bevindt en zich richt op de ontwikkeling van vernieuwende behandelingsoplossingen om leveraandoeningen, hartfalen, maligne ascites en andere...
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