
The alfapump® system is currently not approved in Canada for commercial use. DSR® therapy is still in development and is currently not approved in the United States or Canada. Any statements regarding safety and efficacy arise from ongoing pre-clinical and clinical investigations which have yet to be completed. Sequana Medical makes no claims of safety or effectiveness of the DSR® therapy in the U.S. or Canada. There is no link between the DSR® therapy and ongoing investigations with the alfapump® system in Europe, the United States or Canada.


April 12, 2022
PERSBERICHT GEREGLEMENTEERDE INFORMATIE 12 april 2022, 07:00 CET   alfapump® in leveraandoeningen Positieve resultaten uit tweede tussentijdse analyse van pivotale studie POSEIDON; bemoedigende overlevingsdata na 12 maanden in vergelijking met gepubliceerde literatuur Voltooiing patiëntenrekrutering en implantaties; primair eindpunt op schema voor Q4 2022 Regulatoire indiening bij FDA gepland voor midden 2023 DSR® in hartfalen RED...
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