
Het alfapump®-systeem is momenteel niet goedgekeurd in de Verenigde Staten of Canada. In de Verenigde Staten en Canada wordt het alfapump®-systeem momenteel klinisch onderzocht (POSEIDON-studie) en wordt het bestudeerd bij volwassen patiënten met refractaire of terugkerende ascites als gevolg van levercirrose. DSR®-therapie is nog in ontwikkeling en er dient te worden opgemerkt dat eventuele verklaringen met betrekking tot veiligheid en efficiëntie voortkomen uit lopende preklinische en klinische onderzoeken die nog moeten worden afgerond. Er is geen verband tussen de DSR®-therapie en de lopende onderzoeken met het alfapump®-systeem in Europa, de Verenigde Staten of Canada.


PRESS RELEASE REGULATED INFORMATION 10 February 2023, 18:00 CET   Ghent, Belgium – 10 February 2023 – Sequana Medical NV (Euronext Brussels: SEQUA) (the “Company” or “Sequana Medical“), a pioneer in the treatment of fluid overload in liver disease, heart failure and cancer, today announces that all proposed resolutions submitted to the extraordinary general meeting...
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PRESS RELEASE REGULATED INFORMATION 09 February 2023, 07:00 CEST   alfapump® – successful primary endpoint read-out of North American pivotal POSEIDON study / PMA[1] filing planned for H2 2023 DSR® (Direct Sodium Removal) – clinical evidence of disease-modifying heart failure drug therapy, on track to start US Phase 1/2a MOJAVE study in Q2 2023 Total...
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PRESS RELEASE Regulated information 09 February 2023, 07:00 am CEST   Ghent, Belgium – 09 February 2023 – Sequana Medical NV (Euronext Brussels: SEQUA) (the “Company” or “Sequana Medical“), a pioneer in the treatment of fluid overload in liver disease, heart failure and cancer, announces today that it received transparency notifications from the shareholders listed...
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PRESS RELEASE REGULATED INFORMATION 11 January 2023, 07:00 am CEST   Ghent, Belgium – 11 January 2023 – Sequana Medical NV (Euronext Brussels: SEQUA) (the “Company” or “Sequana Medical“), a pioneer in the treatment of fluid overload in liver disease, heart failure and cancer, today invites the holders of securities issued by the Company to...
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PRESS RELEASE REGULATED INFORMATION – INSIDE INFORMATION 15 November 2022, 07:00 am CET   Data from SAHARA with first-generation DSR product (DSR 1.0) confirm: Safe, effective and rapid elimination of persistent congestion following intensive DSR therapy Considerable benefit in cardio-renal status maintained till end of study (16 weeks post-intensive DSR therapy) Dramatic and sustained improvement...
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PRESS RELEASE REGULATED INFORMATION – INSIDE INFORMATION 25 October 2022, 07:00 am CET   alfapump achieves pre-specified primary effectiveness endpoints with statistical significance at six months post-implantation: 100% median per-patient reduction in therapeutic paracentesis (TP) post- vs pre-implantation (p<0.001) 77% of patients with at least 50% reduction in number of TP post- vs pre-implantation (p<0.001)...
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PRESS RELEASE REGULATED INFORMATION – INSIDE INFORMATION 8 September 2022, 07:00 CET   alfapump® – strong interim data / on track to report primary endpoint data of North American pivotal POSEIDON study in Q4 2022 DSR® – clinical evidence of disease-modifying heart failure drug therapy / preparations ongoing to start US phase 1b/2a MOJAVE study...
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PRESS RELEASE REGULATED INFORMATION – INSIDE INFORMATION 20 July 2022, 07:00 CET   Company’s cash runway extended into Q3 2023 Ghent, Belgium – 20 July 2022 – Sequana Medical NV (Euronext Brussels: SEQUA) (the “Company” or “Sequana Medical“), a pioneer in the treatment of drug-resistant fluid overload in liver disease and heart failure, today announces...
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PRESS RELEASE REGULATED INFORMATION – INSIDE INFORMATION 19 July 2022, 07:00 am CEsT   DSR (Direct Sodium Removal) heart failure drug development: Completed enrollment in SAHARA I[i] with first-generation DSR product (“DSR 1.0”) – extending study with second-generation DSR product (“DSR 2.0”) to support US IND[ii] filing by year end Proof-of-concept delivered in diuretic-resistant heart...
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PERSBERICHT GEREGLEMENTEERDE INFORMATIE 27 mei 2022, 18:00 CEST   Gent, België – 27 mei 2022 – Sequana Medical NV (Euronext Brussels: SEQUA) (de “Vennootschap” of “Sequana Medical“), een vernieuwer in de behandeling van diuretica-resistente vochtoverbelasting in leveraandoeningen, maligne ascites en hartfalen, kondigt aan dat de voorgestelde resoluties die op de Jaarlijkse en Buitengewone Algemene Vergadering...
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